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Our Metatranscriptomics platform offers a comprehensive analysis of microbial communities by evaluating gene activity diversity, expression abundance, and differential gene expression. Utilizing cutting-edge next-generation and third-generation sequencing technologies alongside integrated bioinformatics, we can pinpoint genes with significant changes in expression across various conditions. This enables the identification of potential biomarkers and expression signatures, providing valuable insights into microbial gene function and regulation.

Our Advantages:
  • Reveals True Microbial Diversity: Provides in-depth analysis of microbial communities, accurately reflecting sample diversity.
  • Cost-Effective and Broad Coverage: Offers high cost-efficiency, wide coverage, and short turnaround time.
  • Automated Workflow: Utilizes commercial kits, cutting-edge instruments, and integrated bioinformatics pipelines for efficient automation.
  • Wide Range of Applications: Suitable for fundamental research, ecological applications, environmental monitoring, and industrial applications.
  • Efficient Sample Handling: Handles challenging samples effectively, maximizing the use of valuable specimens.
  • Strict Data Quality Control: Maintains a rigorous quality control system to ensure data accuracy.

What is Metatranscriptomics

Metatranscriptomics, also known as environmental transcriptomics, focuses on the comprehensive analysis of microbial community transcripts within specific samples at the transcriptional level. It delves into the gene expression and regulatory mechanisms of these communities. By circumventing the need for microbial isolation and cultivation, metatranscriptomic sequencing offers researchers an efficient tool for studying the genomic transcription and regulatory dynamics of microbial communities in specific environments and at particular times. This technique finds application across diverse fields, including human microbiomes, environmental studies, industrial processes, and agriculture.

Difference Between Metatranscriptomics and Transcriptomics

The distinction between metatranscriptomics and transcriptomics lies in their focus, sample types, and goals:


  • Transcriptomics: Studies the complete set of transcripts in isolated cells or organisms at specific conditions.
  • Metatranscriptomics: Analyzes all RNA transcripts in mixed microbial communities within a particular environment.

Sample Types:

  • Transcriptomics: Uses pure culture samples from individual organisms.
  • Metatranscriptomics: Utilizes total RNA from environmental samples like soil or water.

Analytical Objectives:

  • Transcriptomics: Aims to understand gene expression patterns of a single species or cell type.
  • Metatranscriptomics: Focuses on the gene expression and diversity of microbial communities in an environment.

In essence, transcriptomics looks at individual organisms, while metatranscriptomics explores broader microbial communities.

Metatranscriptomic and Metagenomic Comparison

Metatranscriptomic sequencing focuses on analyzing gene expression within microbial communities in specific environments. Unlike metagenomics, which provides a comprehensive genomic overview of all microorganisms present, metatranscriptomics not only identifies species but also examines the composition of active strains and highly expressed genes. It reveals how microorganisms adapt to environmental factors and explores the regulatory mechanisms of gene expression.

However, the genes assembled through metatranscriptomic sequencing reflect only those actively expressed. In contrast, metagenomic sequencing captures the entire genomic content of the microbial community, offering a more complete genetic reference. This extensive genomic information from metagenomics enhances the interpretation of gene expression data from metatranscriptomics, thereby improving the accuracy of species composition and differential expression analyses.

Table 1: Comparison of Metatranscriptomic and Metagenomic Sequencing.

Metatranscriptomic Sequencing Metagenomic Sequencing
Sequencing Target mRNA of microbial communities Genomic DNA of microbial communities
Read Length PE100bp/PE125bp/PE150bp PE100bp/PE125bp/PE150bp
Recommended Data Volume 5-10G 5-10G
Analysis Content Species Annotation
Species Abundance
Phylogenetic Analysis
Gene Abundance
Functional Gene Annotation and Analysis
Differential Expression Analysis
Species Annotation
Species Abundance
Phylogenetic Analysis
Gene Abundance
Functional Gene Annotation and Analysis
Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages: Allows for gene expression analysis
Disadvantages: Assembled genes represent only expressed sequences
Advantages: Comprehensive genomic information
Disadvantages: Cannot analyze gene expression
Notes Can be combined with metagenomic sequencing for complementary insights

Applications of Metatranscriptomics

The applications of metatranscriptomics include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Environmental Microbial Ecology
  • Host-Microbiome Interactions
  • Biotechnological and Industrial Applications
  • Wastewater Treatment and Environmental Monitoring
  • Drug Discovery and Development
Service Specifications

Introduction to Our Metatranscriptomics Platform

Metatranscriptomics investigates the functions and activities of the complete set of transcripts derived from environmental samples. This method reveals the transcripts present within a metagenome and elucidates the rules of transcriptional regulation under specific conditions or during particular periods at a holistic level. A significant advantage of metatranscriptomics is that it circumvents the need for isolating and culturing individual microbial species, thereby broadening the scope of accessible microbial resources.

Metatranscriptomics Workflow

Our workflow for metatranscriptomic studies encompasses four main stages: sample preparation, library preparation, high-throughput sequencing, and integrated bioinformatics analysis. We employ a variety of sequencing platforms, including Sanger sequencing, Illumina MiSeq/HiSeq, Roche 454, and PacBio SMRT systems. The selection of an appropriate sequencing strategy is tailored to the specific sample type and research objectives. Comprehensive and customized bioinformatics analyses are then performed by our team of experienced experts, ensuring robust and insightful interpretations of the data.

The Workflow of Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing.

Technical Parameters

Sequencing Platform Sequencing Strategy Data Volume
Illumina Hiseq PE150 Depending on the specific project requirements, not less than the contracted data volume
Hiseq 4000 -

Note: We design appropriate sequencing strategies based on your plan and objectives, utilizing suitable sequencing platforms. Please feel free to contact us directly.

Bioinformatics Analysis

The raw data of sequencing will have a certain proportion of low-quality data. So, the raw data need to be pre-processed to obtain clean data. Our bioinformatics Analysis primarily includes functional annotation, expression analysis, taxonomic analysis, enrichment analysis, comparative analysis.

Bioinformatics analysis Problems to be solved
Raw data preprocessing Filter low-quality data and remove adapter sequence to get clean data
Expression analysis Gene expression profiling of a certain population
Enrichment analysis KEGG pathway Gene-enriched signaling pathway, linking genomic information with higher order functional information.
GO analysis Gene product annotations in the areas of molecular function, biological process and cellular component
eggNOG/COG Annotation of orthologous groups of genes, prediction of evolutionary genealogy of genes
Multi-sample comparative analysis Clustering Discover classifications within complex data sets
PCoA Differences in functional distribution between different samples, explore the functional composition of multiple samples
Functional comparison
Correlation analysis Network analysis Study the relationships between microbes and environmental factors

Note: The above content includes only a portion of the bioinformatics analysis. For more information or to customize the analysis, please contact us directly.

The Bioinformatics Analysis of Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing.

Sample Requirement

Sample Type Quantity Concentration OD260/OD280
Total RNA ≥ 4 μg 50 ng/μL ≥1.8
Cells ≥ 5×106 - -
Environmental Samples ≥ 1.5g - -


  • RIN ≥ 7.0, 28s/18s ≥ 1.5
  • Transport samples with sufficient ice packs or dry ice.
  • If you wish to obtain more accurate and detailed information regarding sample requirements, please feel free to contact us directly.


  • Raw sequencing data (FASTQ)
  • Clean data
  • Trimmed and stitched sequences (FASTA)
  • Quality-control dashboard
  • Sample contamination report
  • Statistic data
  • Your designated bioinformatics result report


Partial results of our Metatranscriptomic Sequencing service are shown below:

The Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing Results Display.


Metatranscriptomics FAQ

Case Study

Case Study

Customer Case

Metatranscriptomics Unravel Composition, Drivers, and Functions of the Active Microorganisms in Light-Flavor Liquor Fermentation
Journal: Microbiology spectrum
Impact factor: 9.043
Published: 31 May 2022

Find out more


The microbial communities within fermentation pits are crucial determinants of the quantity and quality of light-flavor Baijiu. Typically, genetic diversity and the potential functions of these microbial communities are analyzed using DNA genomics sequencing. However, the characterization of active microbial communities has not been systematically explored. In this study, we employ metatranscriptomic analysis to elucidate the composition, driving factors, and roles of active microorganisms during the fermentation process of light-flavor Baijiu.

Materials & Methods

Sample preparation:

  • Distillery
  • RNA extraction


  • cDNA library construction
  • Metatranscriptomic sequencing
  • IlluminaHiseq 4000

Data Analysis:

  • De novo assembly
  • Functional annotation
  • Statistical analysis


Metatranscriptomic sequencing produced 387.99 Gbp of raw data from 2,751,785,770 reads, with 377.27 Gbp of clean data used for analysis. The sequencing had high accuracy, with Q20 values exceeding 98.21%. Assembly results showed contig lengths ranging from 5,686 to 54,864 bp, and unigene numbers averaged 36,834 with lengths of 1,304 bp. The predominant active microorganisms were identified, with 421 genera annotated. The top 20 genera accounted for over 95% of the community, showing significant shifts during fermentation stages.

Figure 1. Composition of the active microbial community during light-flavor liquor fermentation. (Pan et al., 2022)Figure 1. Composition of the active microbial community in light-flavor liquor fermentation.

Environmental factors such as pH, temperature, and ethanol production influenced microbial succession. Redundancy analysis showed that pH, ethanol, moisture, and starch were key drivers of microbial changes.

Figure 2. Abundance levels of various carbohydrate-active enzyme families in light-flavor liquor fermentation. (Pan et al., 2022)Figure 2. Abundances of the different carbohydrate-active enzyme families in light-flavor liquor fermentation.

Carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZy) showed varying abundances, with glycoside hydrolases (GH) and glycosyltransferases (GT) being the most prominent.

Figure 3. Functional model illustrating carbohydrate hydrolysis, ethanol production, and flavor formation in light-flavor liquor fermentation. (Pan et al., 2022)Figure 3. Functional model of carbohydrate hydrolysis, ethanol production, and flavor generation in light-flavor liquor fermentation.


This study used metatranscriptomics to identify active microbes in LFL fermentation, finding Faecalibacterium as a major but poorly understood player. It revealed key microbes responsible for flavor compounds and emphasized the need for improved sampling and fungal genomic resources.


  1. Pan Y, Wang Y, Hao W, et al. Metatranscriptomics unravel composition, drivers, and functions of the active microorganisms in light-flavor liquor fermentation. Microbiology spectrum, 2022, 10(3): e02151-21.
* For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.

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