Crop Genome Sequencing

Crop Genome Sequencing


CD Genomics is a leading service provider for agricultural genomics research, providing crop whole-genome sequencing services with ultra-fast turnaround times, high-quality sequencing data, and reliable results. Our crop whole-genome sequencing has been used in a variety of applications, including population genetics studies, genome-wide association studies (GWAS), and agricultural breeding programs.

Importance of crop genome sequencing

The genome sequence of any organism is key to understanding that organism's biology and utility. Plants have diverse, complex, and sometimes very large nuclear genomes, mitochondrial genomes, and smaller and more highly conserved chloroplast genomes, even among closely related plant groups. Plant genome sequences advance our understanding of plant biology and serve as a critical platform for genetic selection and improvement of crops to achieve food security. Plant genome sequencing requires technologies that can capture large amounts of sequence data at low cost and with high accuracy. Plant genomic data can support food and nutrition security by supporting the conservation of biodiversity, adaptation to climate change, and improved agricultural sustainability.

Comparison of genome availability and quality metrics for each land plant order. Fig. 1. Comparison of genome availability and quality metrics for each land plant order. (Marks et al., 2021)

Our customizable service

Based on our advanced next-generation sequencing and long-read sequencing technology platforms, CD Genomics can sequence the genomes of a large number of crop species, and provide data to support plant genetics research and breeding efforts. Our crop genome sequencing enables the assessment of intraspecific polymorphisms, the identification of key genes influencing the formation of dominant traits, and the development of molecular markers for economically valuable traits.

We are currently able to sequence the whole genomes of the following crop species. Our experts are also developing other crop genome sequencing projects.

Crop genome sequencing methods

Crop DNA sample requirements

Platform Type Sample Type Amount Purity
NovaSeq X Plus /NovaSeq6000
Genomic DNA ≥ 200 ng A260/280=1.8-2.0;
no degradation,
no contamination
Genomic DNA
(PCR free non-350bp)
≥ 5 μg
Genomic DNA
(PCR free -350bp)
≥ 1.2 μg
PacBio Sequel II
DNA CLR library
HMW Genomic DNA ≥ 8 μg A260/280=1.8-2.0;
Fragments should be ≥ 40 kb
PacBio Revio/sequel II/sequel IIe DNA HiFi library HMW Genomic DNA ≥ 5 μg A260/280=1.8-2.0;
Fragments should be ≥ 30 kb
Nanopore PromethION HMW Genomic DNA ≥ 8 μg A260/280=1.8-2.0;
Fragments should be ≥ 30 kb

Workflow of crop genome sequencing service

From sample and library preparation, short and long-read sequencing, and data quality control, to bioinformatics analysis, CD Genomics provides high-quality products and professional services. Each step is performed in agreement with a high scientific standard and meticulous design to ensure high-quality research results.

Workflow of crop genome sequencing service

Applications of crop genome sequencing service

  • Reveals the molecular mechanism referring to breeding and speciation.
  • Provides resources for accelerating genetic development.
  • Investigates the origin and evolution of species.
  • Identifies common genetic variations among populations.

At CD Genomics, we strictly adhere to standard operating procedures to ensure rapid delivery of crop genome sequencing projects without compromising the integrity of data science. Our services enable researchers and plant breeders to determine the entire genetic information at the single nucleotide level, accelerating your genetic development and breeding programs. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Marks, Rose A., et al. Representation and participation across 20 years of plant genome sequencing. Nature plants. 7.12 (2021): 1571-1578.
For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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CD Genomics is propelling the future of agriculture by employing cutting-edge sequencing and genotyping technologies to predict and enhance multiple complex polygenic traits within breeding populations.

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