Long-read Sequencing

Long-read Sequencing


Long-read sequencing

Long-read sequencing, as a very new DNA sequencing technology, allows longer DNA fragments to be read in a single pass when sequencing DNA sequences. These are typically between 10,000 and 100,000 base pairs and have even been shown to read 1-2 million base pairs at a time. Long -read sequencing offers unprecedented sensitivity and accuracy for variation detection, even in repetitive sequence regions and in complex structural variants.The use of long-read sequencing to discover novel variants in complex genomic regions and to detect structural variants has important applications.

CD Genomics provides long-read sequencing to help researchers provide a comprehensive view of plant and animal genomes. We develop and provide a range of services related to long-read sequencing, including the development of bioinformatics tools such as long read length algorithms, software, databases and artificial intelligence algorithms, the development of biological information tools such as long fragment nucleic acid extraction, ultra-long DNA extraction, single cell RNA amplification and long fragment DNA capture. Based on the services of long-read  sequencing in plant and animal genome research, we have developed our own ultra-long sequencing kits for sequencing large segments of plant and animal genes, and we have been leading the industry in services to improve the completeness of plant and animal genome completion maps.

Types of agricultural long-read sequencing services

Long-read sequencing technology features

  • Ability to detect more structural variants, including SNPs, insertion deletions and structural variants.
  • Sequential reads up to 10 kb.
  • Approximately 10 times the throughput compared to traditional long read techniques.
  • 90% reduction in DNA input compared to current long read length methods.
  • DNA containing repetitive sequences is accurately sequenced.

Applications of long-read sequencing in plant and animal research

  • Enables the sequencing of a number of plant and animal genomes with highly repetitive elements or other challenging genomes.
  • Enables rapid de novo sequencing of plant and animal genomes.
  • Splice out genome into completion maps to provide accurate information for functional analysis.
  • Efficiently uncover genome-wide structural variation.
  • De novo assembly of plant and animal genomes and genome collation
  • Identify co-inherited alleles, haplotype information and de novo mutations.

Request for samples

Plant and animal tissues, cells, gDNA, total RNA

Sequencing process

Long-read sequencing process - CD GenomicsFig 2. Long-read sequencing process

Our advantages and features

  • High turnaround efficiency. Significant savings in valuable research time for you.
  • Flexible and customised experimental solutions, our technical experts will tailor the most suitable experimental solution for your project according to your needs.
  • Professional pre-sales and after-sales service, to answer any questions you may have about your project.
  • Our experts, as well as our technical team, have extensive experience in long read length sequencing of plants and animals and are committed to delivering the most reliable data results for you.

CD Genomics offers a comprehensive, one-stop services for long-read sequencing services from sample preparation, library construction, sequencing and data analysis, if you are interested in us, please feel free to contact us.

For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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CD Genomics is propelling the future of agriculture by employing cutting-edge sequencing and genotyping technologies to predict and enhance multiple complex polygenic traits within breeding populations.

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