Whole Genome Resequencing

Whole Genome Resequencing


Whole genome resequencing

Whole-genome resequencing is used to sequence the genomes of different individuals with existing reference sequences or species that are sufficiently close to known reference sequences, and performs differential analysis at the individual or population level on this basis, which can tap the differences and structural variation of gene sequences in many aspects and help genetics research, It reveals biologically important sequence variation, studies genetic variation related to complex traits in plants and animals, and provides significant guidance in plant and animal breeding research.

CD Genomics provides genome resequencing services to assist researchers in discovering single nucleotide polymorphic loci (SNPs), copy number variants (CNVs), insertion / deletion (Indel) and other variant types, helping researchers amplify individual reference genome information into genetic traits of biological populations with minimal research costs. Up to now, we have provided whole genome resequencing of more species such as black goat, goat pig, buffalo, black bee, horticultural crops. Through whole genome resequencing of plants and animals, we provide researchers with molecular characteristics of plants and animals, which provide powerful data support for researchers to study functional genes, and provide new ideas and clues for the localization of functional genes.

Application areas

  • Detection of individual genomic variants in plants and animals.
  • Mutant functional mutation loci localization.
  • Genetic analysis of plant and animal populations.
  • Whole gene association analysis.

Whole genome resequencing technology features

  • With the further interpretation and research of species genome sequences, genome resequencing is more and more applicable.
  • The information is accurate and comprehensive, effectively mining genome-wide genetic variation information and developing genetic markers.
  • Assists in genetic evolution analysis and prediction of candidate genes for important traits.
  • Mature sequencing technology, high quality research value of sequencing and analysis results.

Our diverse high-throughput sequencing platforms

Next-generation sequencing platforms (NGS): Illumina NovaSeq 6000, MGI DNBSEQ-T7

Long-read sequencing platforms: PacBio Sequel II/IIe

Our diverse genomic sequencing solutions

  • Resequencing + GWAS for genetic breeding research

Plants and animals genome resequencing in different subpopulations of the same species, such as wild germplasm resources, domesticated germplasm resources, different strains of local germplasm resources, different geographic subgroups, etc., followed by population evolutionary studies to analyze the genetic evolutionary relationships and population structure of the species, and GWAS analysis to locate genes or regions related to key traits, and finally, association analyses of population evolution and GWAS to locate key candidate loci and regions. Finally, we will correlate the population evolution and GWAS to locate the key candidate loci and regions, which will lay the foundation for the subsequent studies on species development, candidate gene function, and improvement of key agronomic traits.

CD Genomics resequencing + GWAS solutionCD Genomics resequencing + GWAS solution

  • Multi-omics solutions for genetic evolutionary and population structure analysis

Sampling of natural populations, lineage populations and mutant populations, based on long-read plant and animal resequencing, long-read de novo genome sequencing, NGS plant and animal resequencing, transcriptome sequencing, and other genomics technologies, to accurately study the genetic evolutionary relationship and population structure of the species, accurately locate the key genes and regions, and study the transcription, translation, and metabolism of the key genes in the body of the plant and animal. We also help our clients study the transcription, translation and metabolism of key genes in plants and animals, laying the foundation for subsequent studies on species development, candidate gene function research and verification, and improvement of key agronomic traits.

CD Genomics resequencing + multiomics data analysis serviceCD Genomics resequencing + multiomics data analysis service

Instructions for providing samples

Sample type Genomic DNA
Sample concentration ≥ 100 ng/μL
Total sample ≥ 30 μg
Sample purity OD260/280 for 1.8-2.2
Electrophoresis requirements Clear main band, no degradation or mild degradation

Whole genome resequencing workflow

Whole genome resequencing workflow-CD GenomicsFig 2. Whole genome resequencing workflow

Our advantages and features

  • Experienced. CD Genomics has many years of experience in developing nucleic acid purification kits and has rich operational experience in nucleic acid sample processing.
  • Comprehensive service. CD Genomics has a professional technical team, from sample collection to data analysis, we provide you with comprehensive sequencing services.
  • Perfect after-sales service. CD Genomics has a perfect biotechnology service system, and we provide follow-up service for your subsequent experiments.
  • Technical support. CD Genomics can customize the most suitable experimental protocol according to the experimental purpose and requirements to improve research efficiency.
  • Cost-effective. CD Genomics provides you with the most comprehensive services at the most favorable price, helping you to effectively save your experimental costs.

CD Genomics has extensive experimental experience and is committed to providing you with the most reliable results, if you are interested in us, please feel free to contact us.


What genetic variants can be detected by resequencing?

Resequencing allows for the identification of various genetic variants, including:

  • SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)
  • Indel (Insertion or deletion)
  • SV (structural variation)
  • CNV (copy number variation)

What is the appropriate sample size?

The recommended sample size depends on the type of sample and the study's objectives. For population evolution studies, a sample size of more than 30 is advised, as statistically, this is considered large. In gene mining projects, such as GWAS analysis or linkage analysis, larger populations yield more robust results. Generally, more than 300 samples are recommended for GWAS analysis, and over 200 samples for family groups. We recommend you contact our technique team for more information.

What are the data recommendations for performing whole genome resequencing?

The amount of data required per sample is influenced by the sample type and the intended data analysis.

  • For SNP-focused individual sample analysis, a sequencing depth of >30X is suggested for high accuracy and coverage, with increased depth for rare variants.
  • For population structure studies, a sequencing depth of 10X or more is recommended.

These guidelines ensure optimal data quality and statistical power for various research objectives in resequencing projects.

For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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CD Genomics is propelling the future of agriculture by employing cutting-edge sequencing and genotyping technologies to predict and enhance multiple complex polygenic traits within breeding populations.

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