Cotton Genome Sequencing

Cotton Genome Sequencing


Cotton Genome Sequencing

Cotton (Gossypium spp.) is a globally important natural fiber and oilseed crop of vital economic importance. The unique domestication history, specific fiber structure, and rich genetic resources make cotton an excellent model system for studying polyploidization, cell elongation, and cell wall biosynthesis. As a result, the Cotton Genome Consortium has made rapid and significant progress in whole genome sequencing research over the past decade. Developments in cotton genome sequencing and assembly have provided powerful tools for dissecting the genetic and molecular basis of important agronomic traits and establishing the regulatory networks of these processes, leading to molecular breeding.

CD Genomics is a leading service provider for agricultural genomics research, offering reliable cotton genome sequencing services to support research and breeding efforts in the field of cotton genomics for clients worldwide. Our cotton genome sequencing efforts are helping to provide insights into the mechanisms of abiotic and biotic stress tolerance, plant architecture, seed oil content, and fiber development, and to facilitate genome-based cotton breeding.

Our cotton genome sequencing service

CD Genomics offers comprehensive and customizable cotton genome sequencing services using cutting-edge technology and expertise to characterize the cotton genome at the cytogenetic, genetic, and molecular levels. Our services cover all stages of the sequencing process, from library preparation to data analysis, ensuring high-quality and accurate results.

With our advanced next-generation sequencing and long-read sequencing technology platforms, as well as bioinformatics tools, we can repeatedly sequence the diploid and tetraploid genomes of different cotton plants to obtain their complete and fine genome sequences, which can meet the diverse needs of researchers, breeders, and agricultural stakeholders. Our cotton genome sequencing service provides the information on the identification and cloning of functional genes, and enhances breeding efforts to breed cotton for high yield and quality fiber and resistance to environmental and biological stresses.

CD Genomics is committed to sequencing and assembling the genomes of several cotton varieties, including but not limited to:

G. barthii G. herbaceum G. arboreu G. thurberi
G. davidsonii G. turneri G. herbaceum subsp. africanum G. hirsutum
G. barbadense G. anomalum G. australe G. bickii
G. ekmanianum G. stephensill G. rotundifolium G. stocksii

Applications of cotton genome sequencing

Our reliable cotton genome sequence data makes it easier to find genes of interest. Sequence data enables researchers to perform reverse genetics in cotton to identify, test, and functionally validate genes associated with a wide range of important agronomic traits such as abiotic and biotic stress tolerance, fiber quality, plant architecture, and seed oil. Similarly, it facilitates the development of forward genetics and fine-tuning of genes for key traits, including extrafloral nectaries, fiber quality, gland formation, and cotton architecture.

Our cotton genome sequencing data support the following studies:

  • Trait mapping and gene discovery

Our cotton genome sequencing facilitates the identification and localization of genes associated with important agronomic traits. By analyzing genomic variation among different cotton varieties, researchers can identify genes responsible for desired traits such as fiber quality, drought tolerance, disease resistance, and yield.

  • Marker-assisted selection (MAS)

The precise genome sequence obtained by sequencing the cotton genome has enabled the development of molecular markers for MAS. MAS enables breeders to identify and select plants with desired traits at an early stage, thereby significantly speeding up the breeding process. By incorporating MAS into breeding programs, CD Genomics enables breeders to more efficiently develop cotton varieties with improved traits.

  • Comparative genomics and evolutionary studies

Comparative genomics studies using cotton genome sequences reveal evolutionary relationships between different cotton species. By comparing the genomes of diploid and tetraploid cotton varieties, researchers have gained insight into the genetic changes that occur during polyploidization and domestication.

  • Crop improvement

Breeders can use high-quality cotton genome sequences to develop improved cotton varieties for fiber quality, disease resistance, insect resistance, and stress tolerance. CD Genomics' cotton genome sequencing services help advance genome-assisted crop improvement and support sustainable cotton production.

Case study of cotton genome sequencing

The allotetraploid species G. hirsutum L. is both the world's most important fiber crop and a model polyploid crop. High-quality assembly of allopolyploid plant genomes is a formidable task because the genomes are large and have highly homeologous subgenomes. Researchers used advanced sequencing and genetic mapping techniques to overcome the complexity of this cotton genome. They sequenced and assembled the allotetraploid genome of G. hirsutum L. using DNA prepared from the highly homozygous TM-1 pure line. They compared the G. hirsutum L. assembly to the putative ancestral species, G. raimondii and G. arboreum, to investigate subgenome evolution and gene function including genes related to fiber biology.

Deciphering the allotetraploid genome of G. hirsutum L. provides unique insights into the earliest stages of postpolyploidy evolution and the relationships between G. hirsutum L. and its ancestral diploid species. Both G. raimondii and G. arboreum underwent cotton-specific whole genome duplication at ~16.6 MYA after sharing the paleohexaploidization event common to all eudicots that occurred ~130.8 MYA.

Evolution and syntenic analysis of the G. hirsutum genome. Fig. 1. Evolution and syntenic analysis of the G. hirsutum genome. (Li et al., 2015)

CD Genomics offers cutting-edge cotton genome sequencing services to provide comprehensive genomic information to researchers and breeders for their studies. We aim to provide data to support basic research on the genetics of important cotton traits and to promote cotton improvement. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Li, Fuguang, et al. Genome sequence of cultivated Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum TM-1) provides insights into genome evolution. Nature biotechnology. 33.5 (2015): 524-530.
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CD Genomics is propelling the future of agriculture by employing cutting-edge sequencing and genotyping technologies to predict and enhance multiple complex polygenic traits within breeding populations.

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