Transcriptome (RNA-seq) Services

Transcriptome (RNA-seq) Services


Transcriptome (RNA-seq) services

RNA-seq is the sequencing of cDNA sequences generated by mRNA reverse transcription using high-throughput sequencing technology, which helps researchers to obtain RNA information in samples and gain a comprehensive understanding of the gene expression status of the current developmental state of the biological sample. By comparing the RNA-Seq transcriptome of different stages or sites of biological samples, changes in gene expression levels can be obtained at the transcriptional level, which helps to form an expression pattern and construct metabolic pathways and interaction networks for key genes.

CD Genomics has extensive experience in RNA-seq services and is dedicated to helping agricultural scientists further their efforts to overcome important challenges in agriculture. We aim to advance plant evolution and polyploidy research using RNA-seq, focusing on transcriptome changes during development, providing efficient strategies for plant response and adaptation to abiotic and biotic stresses, and revealing the mechanisms of response. At the same time, we help customers to  grasp the genes that play important functions in plant traits of interest, by controlling genes with significantly different expression patterns in normal samples. In addition, we help researchers sequence and identify genetic variants in multiple cultivars, or closely related species with important trait variation, further providing data support and research strategies for molecular breeding and accelerating the research process in breeding and related agriculture.

RNA-seq applications

  • Detection of low-abundance transcripts.
  • Discovery of new transcripts, including unknown transcripts and rare transcripts.
  • Gene transcript level studies, such as gene expression, differential expression between samples.
  • Functional studies of non-coding regions, such as microRNA, non-coding long RNA (IncRNA), RNA editing.
  • Transcript structural variation studies, such as variable splicing, gene fusion.
  • Development of SNPs and SSRs.

Advantages of transcriptome sequencing

  • Obtaining nucleic acid sequence information, and in addition to differences in gene expression, the structure and structural variation of RNA can be detected.
  • Open transcriptome analysis, detecting known genes and discovering new transcripts, a process that requires no reference to genomic information and no probes to be designed.
  • Ability to detect low abundance transcripts in cells when sequencing coverage is large enough.
  • With increasing sequencing depth, a broader dynamic range of detection can be obtained, allowing simultaneous identification and quantification of both high- and low-abundance transcripts.

Instructions for providing samples

Nature of sample Concentration Quantity RIN OD
Total RNA 1000 ng / μL 5 μL (= 5000 ng) > 8 (7 to 8 accepted at customers risk) 260/280 ratio of 1.8 - 2.0

Transcriptome sequencing workflow

RNA-seq workflow-CD GenomicsFig 2. RNA-seq workflow

Our advantages and features

  • Experiment design. Based on your experimental needs, our technical experts will discuss experimental protocols with you and provide important input into your experimental design.
  • More reliable experimental results. We provide the most reliable experimental results, promising that your goals will be consistent with the deliverables in your proposal.
  • Efficient and fast. Our professional technical team, with rich research experience, guarantees to deliver reliable experimental results in the shortest time for you.

CD Genomics has completed RNA-seq of important species such as Arabidopsis, soybean, maize and rice, discovering over hundreds of genes corresponding to important agronomic traits. Our transcriptome services facilitate progeny selection and molecular genetics research in agricultural breeding. If you are interested in us, please feel free to contact us.

For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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CD Genomics is propelling the future of agriculture by employing cutting-edge sequencing and genotyping technologies to predict and enhance multiple complex polygenic traits within breeding populations.

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