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Yeast Whole Genome Sequencing


We offer accurate and affordable whole-genome sequencing of yeast utilizing next-generation sequencing (NGS) or long-read sequencing technologies to detect diverse variations such as structural variations (SVs), insertions and deletions (InDels), single nucleotide variations (SNVs), and copy number variations (CNVs). Both short-read (Illumina platforms) and long-read sequencing platforms (Nanopore and PacBio platforms) are available to achieve whole-genome de novo assemblies and re-sequencing for yeasts.

Our Advantages:
  • Fast turnaround times, warm and professional customer service.
  • Advanced sequencing platforms, including Illumina HiSeq 2500/4000, MiSeq, PacBio, and nanopore platforms.
  • The experienced team provides a flexible experimental scheme and data analysis according to your specific needs.
  • Comprehensive, flexible bioinformatics analysis pipeline.
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Introduction to yeast whole genome sequencing

Yeast whole genome sequencing sequences the entire yeast genome in one run, including chromosomal DNA as well as mitochondrial DNA. We utilize both NGS and long-read sequencing platform to provide whole-genome de novo sequencing and re-sequencing of yeasts. De novo sequencing refers to sequencing a novel genome without reference sequence. The coverage quality of de novo assembly predominantly depends on the size and continuity of the contigs. Long-read sequencing including both Oxford nanopore and PacBio sequencing systems enables high-quality genome assembly with improved continuity as the contig N50 length is ten times longer than an NGS-only assembly. Highly accurate NGS data can be used to polish the genome assembly.

While yeast whole-genome de novo sequencing can be used to reconstruct the first genome map for yeast species, a valuable reference genome for re-sequencing and whole-genome resequencing is commonly required to identify variations such as SNPs, InDels, SVs, CNVs, and other genetic changes, which may be potential biomarkers. Yeast whole genome sequencing provides an unparalleled opportunity to characterize the polymorphic variants in a yeast population, which comprehensively unravels the underlying mechanisms of origin, development, growth, and evolution of yeasts.

Yeast whole genome sequencing workflow

Bioinformatics Analysis

Our bioinformatics analysis includes genome assembly, genomic structure analysis, variation detection, functional annotation, comparative genome analysis, and custom analyses.

Bioinformatics analysis Details
Genome assembly Genome assembly de novo or based on reference alignment with high-quality reads
Genomic structure analysis Genomic island prediction of the genomic island, prophage, CRISPRs, and lncRNAs
Variation detection Detection and annotation SNPs, InDels, CNVs, and SVs
Functional annotation Annotation of NR, Swiss-prot, CAZyme, PHI, KEGG and GO pathway
Comparative genome analysis Synteny analysis, analysis of gene family evolution, evolutionary analysis, ANI analysis
Custom analyses More data mining upon your request

Sample Requirement

    1. DNA Purity: OD260/280 = 1.8 ~2.0, without degradation or RNA contamination
    2. Illumina platform: DNA amount ≥ 2 μg, concentration ≥ 20 ng/μL
    3. PacBio platform: DNA amount ≥ 10 μg, concentration ≥ 80 ng/μL

Sampling kits: We provide a range of microbial sampling kits for clients, including MicroCollect™ oral sample microbial collection products and MicroCollect™ stool sample collection products.

Deliverables: Raw sequencing data (FASTQ), trimmed and stitched sequences (FASTA), quality-control report result, statistic data, and your designated bioinformatics report, visualized pictures.

* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures or other clinical purposes.

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