
MicroCollect™ Oral Sample Collection Products

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MicroCollect™ oral sample collection products are designed for the rapid collection and preservation of oral cells and saliva. Our products greatly reduce the bias that introduced through improper sample collection methods or medium. MicroCollect™ products are non-invasive, reliable, and affordable solutions to collect and preserve oral samples for downstream application, such as 16S/18S/ITS amplicon sequencing.

MicroCollect™ oral sample collection products include:

MicroCollect™ Sterile Pack Swabs are ready-to-use sterile swabs, which include a double-swab encased in a non-breathable, rinse resolution-filled tube.

Kit components Size
MicroCollect™ Sterile Pack Swabs (Cat.12000) 200 swabs, per self packed

Basic instructions:

  1. Open the sterile vessel and do not contact the sterile swab on any surface.
  2. Vigorously rub behind molar teeth, roof of mouth and cheek for 3 minutes with sufficient pressure.
  3. Carefully return the swab to the tube and ensure the sample is submerged under the rinse resolution.
  4. Place the tube into biospecimen bag.

MicroCollect™ Oral Collection and Preservation Device is a user-friendly and ready-to-use swabs for the collection and preservation of oral cells at ambient temperature, which is suitable for microbiome profile analysis, etc. Each MicroCollect™ Oral Collection and Preservation Device includes two sets of swab and collection tube containing preservation reagent.

Kit component Number
Oral Collection and Preservation Kit (Cat. 12300)
Swab 2
Collection and preservation tube 2
Preservative 2

Basic instructions:

  1. Open the sterile vessel and do not contact the sterile swab on any surface.
  2. Vigorously rub behind molar teeth, roof of mouth and cheek for 3 minutes with sufficient pressure.
  3. Gently break the swab on the indentation position and make the swab head fall into the tube. Ensure the sample is well submerged under the preservative.
  4. Place the tube into biospecimen bag.

We provide two user-friendly, ready-to-use MicroCollect™ Saliva Collection Devicesfor saliva sampling. The one uses a cotton swab to drain saliva in the mouth, and the other includes a funnel which is convenient to collect saliva.

Kit Kit components Size
MicroCollect™ Saliva Collection Devices (Cat. 12100) Collection funnel and collection tube 1
Tube cap 1

Basic instructions:

  1. Take out and place the swab into the mouth for about 1minute.
  2. Carefully return the swab to the tube.
  3. Centrifugation for 2 minutes at 1,000 x g.
  4. The saliva recovered is ready for analysis.

MicroCollect™ Saliva DNA Collection Device is designed to collect and preserve superior oral samples for molecular detection of DNA, such as q-PCR and high-throughput sequencing. This product is non-invasive, user-friendly, and can be used to generate high quality DNA.

Kit components Size
MicroCollect™ Saliva DNA Collection Device (cat. 12400) 50 devices
Individual MicroCollect™ Saliva DNA Collection Device Contents
Collection funnel and collection tube 1
Tube cap 1

Basic instructions:

  1. Split until the amount of saliva reaches the fill line.
  2. Close lid tightly and unscrew the funnel from the tube.
  3. Close tube tightly with the tube cap.
  4. Shake for 10 seconds.

MicroCollect™ Saliva RNA Collection Device is designed to collect and preserve superior oral samples for molecular analysis of RNA, such as q-PCR and high-throughput sequencing. This product is ready-to-use, user-friendly, and reliable, and can be used to obtain high quality RNA.

Kit components Size
MicroCollect™ Saliva RNA Collection Device 50 devices
Individual MicroCollect™ Saliva RNA Collection Device Contents
Collection funnel and collection tube 1
Tube cap 1

Basic instructions:

  1. Split until the amount of saliva reaches the fill line.
  2. Close lid tightly and unscrew the funnel from the tube.
  3. Close tube tightly with the tube cap.
  4. Shake for 10 seconds.
* For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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  • For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.

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