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MicroSEQ® Microbial Identification


Analyzing 16S rRNA gene or D2 regions of 28S large subunit (LSU) is important for the phylogenetic classification of known and novel microbial genera and species. MicroSEQ® system based on the sequencing of 16S rRNA and LSU-D2 is supported by the pre-designed kits and library databases for fast and accurate microbial identification that cannot be affected by the culture conditions or growth environment of bacteria. It is particularly effective for the detection of parasites and bacteria that are difficult to grow in artificial culture medium. We offer MicroSEQ® microbial identification service for the identification and characterization of bacteria, mycoplasma, fungi, yeast, and algae.

Our Advantages:
  • Efficient workflow and fast turnaround time.
  • Extensive experience in handling various samples.
  • Our specialists work closely with you to determine the best experimental strategies.
  • Time-saving and cost-efficient as bacterial-culture and DNA-preparation steps are not required.
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Introduction to our MicroSEQ® microbial identification platform

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequencing have been reported to have the highest accuracy for microbial identification and stratification. Our MicroSEQ® platform from Applied Biosystems based on 16S rRNA (for bacteria) and LSU-D2 region (for fungi) sequencing is a highly accurate and fast tool for microbial identification. The success rate of microbial identification down to genus or species level is above 99%. Our microbial identification service is suitable for fast screening of even the most difficult samples.

The microbial identification utilizing MicroSEQ® system is much faster and more reliable than currently used phenotypic methods. 16S rRNA gene and LSU-D2 region sequence analysis can be used to identify poorly described, rarely isolated, or phenotypic variant strains, and routinely used for identification of mycobacteria. What's more, novel pathogens and noncultured bacteria can be discovered using this method. Therefore, our MicroSEQ® platform has been applied to microbial identification tasks like routine QC microbiology for pharmaceutical companies, biotech companies, medical devices companies, public health laboratories, and government agencies.

Microbial identification service workflow

Sample Requirement

    1. Extracted microbial genomic DNA: concentration of 100 - 200 ng/μL, volume: - 20 μL
    2. PCR products of 16S/28S rRNA gene: concentration of 20 - 30 ng/μL, volume: - 20 μL.
    3. Pure bacterial/yeast/fungal cultures (plate/slants/glycerol stock). The temperature and medium information are required.

Sampling kits: We provide a range of microbial sampling kits for clients, including MicroCollect™ oral sample microbial collection products and MicroCollect™ stool sample collection products.

Deliverables: The experimental report includes information on experimental methods, PCR conditions, gel electropherogram, phylogenetic tree, distance matrix, genus and species level identification with top ten matches and DNA consensus sequence.


  1. Clarridge J E. Impact of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis for identification of bacteria on clinical microbiology and infectious disease. Clinical microbiology reviews, 2004, 17(4): 840-862.
* For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.

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