Animal microbiomes encompass diverse microbial communities. These microorganisms may enhance host functions, contributing to host health and fitness. These beneficial microbial species can be identified and utilized to improve animal health and productivity. A novel approach is to artificially select upon microbiomes and engineer microbiomes with specific effects on host health and productivity. On the other hand, bacterial and parasitic diseases are becoming more and more frequent. For example, mastitis is caused by Staphylococcus aureus in dairy animals. Approximately 80 types of bacteria and 203 protozoa (as parasites) have been found to pose a serious threat to livestock industry. Therefore, microorganisms play avital role in animal health and productivity, and we need to take quick actions.
CD Genomics implements research, practice, and service programs directed toward the improvement of health and productivity, with primary focus on microbiology. With multiple microbial research platforms, we are capable of handling stock farming issues, such as nutrition, infectious diseases, microbial control, productivity, and animal welfare through microbial genomics methods.
We perform early and accurate microbial testing for animal feeds, breeding environment, and meat product, as proper management of hygiene is very important for both animal welfare and human health. For example, Fungal contamination of animal feeds is regularly occurred on a worldwide scale and the detrimental effects have been observed in all classes of farm animals due to the generation of mycotoxins by certain species and strains of molds. We can provide microbial biodiversity, microbial identification, and whole genome sequencing services to detect microbial composition in the breeding and quality control process.
Gastrointestinal (GI) microbes like rumen microorganisms play a vital role in the health and disease of farm and lab animals. We perform accurate GI microbiome analysis for farm and lab animals, which is important to understand the taxonomy, dynamics, and functions of microbial communities residing in the GI, microbe-host interactions, factors that influence microbial activities, and the differences between healthy and diseased animal populations. Therefore, our GI microbiome analysis has great animal health implications. Our principal approaches to investigating GI microbiome include whole-community metagenomics and metatranscriptomics, and correlation analyses.
Probiotics are living microbes that may be beneficial to the health of animals or humans when consumed, such as bacteria Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium spp. The research of intestinal microflora is an important aspect of probiotic discovery and development. Based on high-throughput sequencing technology, we can easily obtain the knowledge of microbial composition, complex microbial ecology, and microflora-host relationships. We assist our clients in probiotics discovery and development projects to promote the health of animals or human.
We are committed to supporting our customers' research and practice on animal health and productivity with a range of microbial genomics solutions. We have extensive expertise to handle all types of agricultural microbiome samples from stool, rumen, meat product, breeding environments and so on. We choose suitable microbial genomics solutions based on your experimental purpose, and the deliverables include: original data, experimental results, data analysis report and details for writing.
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