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NextSeq 500 Sequencer

NextSeq 500 Sequencer Instrument Image

Flexible and Scalable NGS System for Any Application

The NextSeq 500 Sequencing System delivers the power of high-throughput sequencing with the speed, simplicity, and affordability of a desktop NGS (next-generation sequencing) system. The fast, integrated, sample-to-results workflow enables many sequencing applications—including exomes, whole genomes, and transcriptomes—in a single run. This NGS system fits seamlessly into research laboratories, with no need for specialized equipment. Now, researchers can perform any combination of high- and mid-throughput sequencing applications to advance their studies.

Highlights of NextSeq 500 Sequencer:

  • Unprecedented Speed and Throughput: Generate 1.6-1.8 Tb in < 3 days in dual flow cell mode to perform whole-genome sequencing on an unrivaled scale.
  • Exceptional Data Quality: Highly accurate Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry delivers proven industry-leading data quality.
  • Get accurate bi-directional amplicon sequencing
  • Population-Scale Genome Sequencing: Highest daily throughput delivers unmatched cost-effectiveness for population-scale projects.
  • Throughput Range: The NextSeq 500 allows adjustable throughput to meet diverse needs, offering both High Output and Mid Output modes. In High Output mode, it can generate up to 120 Gb of data per run, suitable for large-scale projects, while the Mid Output mode can generate up to 39 Gb per run, ideal for smaller and targeted sequencing projects.
  • Variable Read Lengths: Supports multiple read length configurations such as single-end 75 bp, paired-end 75 bp, single-end 150 bp, and paired-end 150 bp, providing versatility for different experimental requirements.
  • One-Step Workflow: From sample preparation to data analysis, the NextSeq 500 features a streamlined workflow. Automated sample loading and a user-friendly interface make operation straightforward, even for beginners.
  • Quick Turnaround: With a short run time of just 11-29 hours (depending on the chosen throughput and read length), the NextSeq 500 significantly enhances lab efficiency.
  • High Accuracy: Utilizing Illumina's SBS technology, the NextSeq 500 delivers highly accurate sequencing. Dual molecular indexing further reduces sequencing errors, ensuring data reliability.
  • Deep Coverage: Suitable for applications requiring high coverage, such as variant detection, copy number variation analysis, and rare mutation identification.

NextSeq 500 Sequencer Performance Parameters

Mid-output High-output
Flow cells processed per run 1 1
Output range 20-39 Gb 30-120 Gb
Run time 15-26 hours 12-30 hours
Reads per flow cell 130 Million 400 Million
Maximum read length 2 × 150 bp 2 × 150 bp
Data quality 75% of bases exceed Q30 quality for 150bp sequencing
Key applications genome, exome, transcriptome sequencing, and more.

Applications of NextSeq 500 Sequencer:

The NextSeq 500 is suitable for a wide range of applications, including but not limited to:

Comparison of NextSeq 500 Sequencer and Illumina NovaSeq 6000:

Parameter NextSeq 500 Sequencer Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Throughput Range High Output: Up to 120 Gb/run \ Mid Output: Up to 39 Gb/run Up to 6000 Gb/run
Read Length Single-end: 75 bp, 150 bp \ Paired-end: 75 bp, 150 bp Single-end: 100 bp, 150 bp, 250 bp \ Paired-end: 100 bp, 150 bp, 250 bp
Run Time 11-29 hours 25-40 hours
Workflow Efficiency One-step workflow \ Automated sample loading Multi-step workflow \ Manual sample loading
Data Quality High accuracy \ Dual molecular indexing High accuracy \ Advanced optics technology
Application Versatility Suitable for diverse applications \ from small to large-scale projects Suitable for large-scale projects \ and high-throughput sequencing

The NextSeq 500 Sequencer stands as a versatile and efficient tool for mid-sized laboratories, offering high-throughput capabilities, operational simplicity, and superior data quality. Suitable for applications spanning basic research to clinical studies, the NextSeq 500 is a dependable platform that equips researchers to delve into the intricate realms of scientific inquiry.

For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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! For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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