CD Genomics Blog

CD Genomics Blog

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PCA vs PCoA vs NMDS: Key Differences, Applications, and When to Use Each

PCA vs PCoA vs NMDS: Key Differences, Applications, and When to Use Each

In contemporary biological research, the handling of high-dimensional data has emerged as a significant challenge. For instance, in the analysis of microbial communities and gene expression data, samples often encompass thousands of features (such as Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) or gene expression values). Direct analysis of these high-dimensional datasets not only involves substantial computational effort […]

Error Rate of PacBio vs Nanopore: How Accurate Are Long-Read Sequencing Technologies

Error Rate of PacBio vs Nanopore: How Accurate Are Long-Read Sequencing Technologies

In the realm of genomics research, the error rate serves as a critical indicator of the reliability associated with sequencing technologies. Elevated error rates can result in false positive or false negative variant detections, consequently affecting the completeness and accuracy of genome assembly. PacBio and Nanopore are two prominent representatives of long-read sequencing technologies that […]

RNA Viruses: Insights into Their Classification, Replication Strategies and Advanced Extraction Protocols

RNA Viruses: Insights into Their Classification, Replication Strategies and Advanced Extraction Protocols

RNA virus belongs to the first class of virus classification, and its core feature is that the genetic material is RNA rather than DNA. This kind of virus widely exists in nature, including many pathogens that have great influence on human health, such as influenza virus, HIV, novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and so on. According to […]

Histone Modification and Epigenetics: Deciphering the Biological Significance of Histone Modification

Histone Modification and Epigenetics: Deciphering the Biological Significance of Histone Modification

In the realm of epigenetics, histone modification constitutes a crucial research area. It involves a series of chemical alterations to histones subsequent to translation. These modifications do not modify the DNA sequence but exert a substantial impact on gene expression and chromatin structure. Introduction of Histone Modification Histone modification refers to the chemical modification of […]

Epigenetic Modification: Types, Functions, and Applications in Disease and Development

Epigenetic Modification: Types, Functions, and Applications in Disease and Development

Epigenetic modification represents a sophisticated regulatory mechanism in biology. It involves the modulation of gene expression through chemical alterations or changes in chromatin structure, all while leaving the underlying DNA sequence intact. This mode of regulation has far – reaching implications for a wide range of biological processes, from cellular differentiation during development to the […]

Exploring Chromatin Remodeling: New Progress in Gene Regulation, Disease Correlation and Detection Technology

Exploring Chromatin Remodeling: New Progress in Gene Regulation, Disease Correlation and Detection Technology

Chromatin remodeling refers to the process of changing the chromatin structure by regulating factors such as transcription factors, histone modifying enzymes and ATP-dependent remodeling complexes. This process includes changing nucleosome density, nucleosome assembly mode, and even adjusting the structure of the whole chromatin region, which directly affects chromatin accessibility and gene expression. What is Chromatin […]

Chromatin vs. Chromosomes: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters

Chromatin vs. Chromosomes: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters

Introduction Within cellular biology, chromosomes and chromatin function as essential vehicles for genetic material, fulfilling crucial functions during various phases of cellular existence. Chromatin represents the intricate association of DNA with proteins residing in the nuclear compartment, while chromosomes emerge as highly condensed formations when cells undergo division. These structures collaborate to maintain genomic integrity […]

Understanding Gene Fragments: From Basic Concepts to Advanced Uses

Understanding Gene Fragments: From Basic Concepts to Advanced Uses

What are Gene Fragments? Gene fragments refer to DNA segments synthesized through biochemical methods, typically comprising linear double-stranded DNA varying in length from several hundred to several thousand base pairs. These segments may contain exonic regions of genes or specific areas of the gene sequence. For instance, a cloned gene denotes a particular gene sequence […]

Applications of Gene Fragment Analysis in Biomedical Research

Applications of Gene Fragment Analysis in Biomedical Research

Gene fragment analysis is a transformative genetic analysis method that enables researchers to glean information on gene size, relative quantification, and genotyping through the separation and detection of fluorescently labeled DNA fragments. Its widespread adoption within the research community is attributed to its high sensitivity, resolution, and rapid turnaround. This technique plays an instrumental role […]

How Many Genes Are in the Plant Plastid Genome?

How Many Genes Are in the Plant Plastid Genome?

Plastid genomic landscapes reveal critical insights into plant molecular biology. Researchers investigate the gene repertoire within these genomic structures, exploring their composition, structural variability, and evolutionary implications across diverse botanical species. But how many genes are typically found in the plant plastid genome? This article dives into the fascinating details of plastid genome structure, gene […]

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