eccDNA Research Solutions
For decades, DNA molecules were thought to exist primarily in linear form within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, however, it wasn't until a major discovery in 1965 that this notion was changed with the discovery of extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA). eccDNA is a cyclic DNA molecule that exists outside of the nucleus of a cell, around the chromosomes. CD Genomics is leading the way in this field of research, by developing a next-generation sequencing and bioinformatic analysis platform that provides strong support for resolving the mysteries of eccDNA.
eccDNA plays an important role in a variety of cancer types, not only as a biomarker, but also carries oncogenes and promotes cancer cell expansion. In order to better understand and utilize eccDNA, we are committed to providing a comprehensive set of solutions covering eccDNA expression profiling, biomarker studies, and functional mechanism studies.

What is eccDNA?
The size of eccDNAs varies widely, from tens of bases to hundreds of thousands of bases, with most being smaller than 1000 bp, and 99% of eccDNAs being smaller than 25 kb. eccDNAs less than 500 bp in length are referred to as spcDNAs, and some of these hybridize with unique sequences. The distribution of eccDNAs is not confined to particular regions of the genome, but rather they originate from thousands of unique loci and are enriched in specific regions, including untranslated regions and regions with high GC content. Our platform helps our clients to fully understand the distribution and characterization of eccDNAs by means of genomics and big data.
eccDNA can be categorized into four types: spcDNA, telomere loop, microDNA, and ecDNA, each of which plays a different function in the physiological processes of cells. It has been found that ecDNA is involved in a variety of life processes, including aging, signaling communication, drug resistance, and environmental adaptation. Our services cover the study of these functions to help clients gain a deeper understanding of the diversity and underlying mechanisms of eccDNAs.
eccDNA Research Solutions from CD Genomics
CD Genomics' research ideas focus on three main directions: expression profiling, biomarker research, and functional mechanism research. By combining advanced sequencing technologies and bioinformatic analysis, we provide customized solutions to our clients to help them gain a deeper understanding of eccDNA-driven cancer mechanisms and therapeutic approaches.
We offer eccDNA Sequencing Services, providing a one-stop solution with high circular DNA detection rates, professional bioinformatics analysis, and streamlined processing from sample to comprehensive data insights.
CD Genomics' circular DNA methylation sequencing technology utilizes transposase and m5C site enzymatic conversion methods for methylated circular DNA retrieval, integrating high-throughput DNA paired-end sequencing.
Based on PCR and Sanger sequencing, CD Genomics provides comprehensive eccDNA validation service, including circular structure, junction sites and other target genes. We ensure the precision and dependability of high-throughput sequencing techniques utilized for eccDNA detection. It aids in the validation of the outcomes produced by next-generation sequencing methods.
For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.