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Genomics Sequencing
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Viral Genome Sequencing
Whole Genome Sequencing
Whole Exome Sequencing
Targeted Region Sequencing
Amplicon Sequencing Services
Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) Sequencing
Shallow Whole Genome Sequencing
Human Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Sequencing
Long-Read Sequencing
ctDNA Sequencing Services
Gene Panel Sequencing Service
Long Amplicon Analysis (LAA)
Animal/Plant Exome Sequencing Service
Bacterial RNA Sequencing
Small RNA Sequencing
LncRNA Sequencing
CircRNA Sequencing
Ribosome Profiling (Ribo-seq)
Total RNA Sequencing
Targeted RNA Sequencing
Degradome Sequencing
Exosomal RNA Sequencing
Ultra Low RNA Sequencing
Dual RNA-seq
microRNA Sequencing Service
mRNA Sequencing Service
EpiTYPER DNA Methylation Analysis
Targeted Bisulfite Sequencing
Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing
Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS)
MeDIP Sequencing (MeDIP-Seq)
MeRIP Sequencing (m6A Analysis)
DNA 6mA Sequencing
DAP-Seq Service (DNA affinity purification sequencing)
5mC/5hmC Sequencing
Nanopore RNA Methylation Sequencing Service
RNA Methylation Sequencing Service
2'-O-RNA Methylation Sequencing Service
PacBio SMRT Sequencing
Long-Read Metagenomic Sequencing
Bacterial Whole Genome
de novo
Fungal Whole Genome de novo Sequencing
Full-Length Transcripts Sequencing (Iso-Seq)
Human Whole Genome PacBio SMRT Sequencing
Full-Length 16S/18S/ITS Amplicon Sequencing
Long Amplicon Analysis (LAA)
16S/18S/ITS Amplicon Sequencing
Metagenomic Shotgun Sequencing
Viral Metagenomic Sequencing
Metatranscriptomic Sequencing
Microbial Whole Genome Sequencing
Absolute Quantitative 16s/18s/ITS Amplicon Sequencing
Microbial Identification
Single-Cell Sequencing
Single-cell RNA Sequencing
Single-cell DNA Methylation Sequencing
Single-Cell DNA Sequencing
10x Genomics Single-Cell Sequencing
Single-Cell Isoform Sequencing Service
Nanopore Sequencing
Nanopore Full-Length Transcripts Sequencing
Nanopore Direct RNA Sequencing
Other Services
CRISPR Sequencing
CRISPR Screen Sequencing
CRISPR Off-Target Validation
Antibody Screening Sequencing (Phage Display Library Screening)
Immune Repertoire Sequencing
Sanger Sequencing
Pre-made Library Sequencing
Lentiviral/Retroviral Integration Sites Analysis
AAV Genome Sequencing
AAV (Adeno-Associated Virus) Integration Site Analysis
10x Spatial Transcriptome Sequencing Service
HLA Typing
Whole Genome SNP Genotyping
Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS)
SNP Microarray
PCR-LDR SNP Genotyping Service
RAD-seq Service
SNP Fine Mapping
MassARRAY SNP Genotyping
SNaPshot Multiplex System for SNP Genotyping
TaqMan SNP Genotyping
CNV Genotyping
CGH Microarray Service
DNA Fragment Service
Microsatellite Genotyping Service
Microsatellite Instability Analysis
Microsatellite Development
Population Genetics
Genome-wide association study (GWAS)
Pan Genome
Variant Calling
Population Evolution
Genetic Linkage Map
Bulk Segregant Analysis (BSA)
Genomic Data Analysis
Transcriptomic Data Analysis
Epigenomics Data Analysis Service
Long-Read Sequencing Data Analysis Service
Single-cell RNA Sequencing Data Analysis Service
Transcriptomics Microarray
MicroRNA Expression Profiling Microarray Service
Gene Expression Profiling Microarray Service
LncRNA Microarray Service
Genomics Microarray Services
SNP Microarray
CGH Microarray Service
DNA Methylation Microarray Service
Methylation Screening Array 270K Service
DNA Methylation Assay (Illumina 935K) Service
Agriculture and Food Science
Drug Development
Inherited Disease Research
Microbial Research
Oncology Research
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Application Spotlights
16s Sequencing And Metagenome Sequencing Reveal The Relationship Between Gut Microbiome And Inflammation
A Comprehensive Single-Cell Transcriptome Atlas of the Cochlea
A GWAS Study Unveiling the Genetics of Hair Whorl and Polygenic Inheritance
A Novel Mechanism of Gene Epistasis Influencing Tomato Fruit Size
Advancements in Pathogen Detection associated with neonatal deaths through Metagenomic Sequencing
Advancing Cancer Diagnosis: Integrated Model Utilizing Genomic and Epigenomic Features for Accurate cfDNA-Based Detection
Amplicon Sequencing Technology Reveals The Mysteries of Microbial Populations
Analytical Approaches And Applications of Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) in Oncology
Analyzing Large Microbiome Datasets for Cnidarian Community Structure, Specificity, and Stability
Annotation of Regulatory Elements within the Zebrafish Genome
Application of Metagenomic Sequencing in Intestinal Microflora Research
Application of Whole Plasmid Sequencing in Drug Resistance Genes of
Klebsiella pneumoniae
ATAC-seq Helps to Analyze Gene Regulation Mechanism
Building a Comprehensive Atlas of Pediatric Cancer with Transcriptomic Data
Cancer Transcriptomics Sequencing Promotes Drug Development
Chromosome Map by Genome Sequencing Is Allowed to Understand of Chromatin Accessibility at The Genome-wide Level
Circadian Insights: ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq Uncover Rice Plant Gene Expression Dynamics
Complex Telomere-Related Variants in Cancer Genomes through Genome Sequencing
Comprehensive Mapping of Regulatory Elements in the Chicken Genome
DNA Methylation Valleys (DMVs) in the Rice Genome: Epigenetic Regulation and 3D Genome Architecture
Effect of HLA Typing on Human Intestinal Cancer Research
EWAS Reveals Methylation Sites Associated with Multiple Common Diseases
Exome Sequencing Reveals the Impact of Rare Coding Gene Mutations on Adult Cognitive Function
Exploring Structural Variations Through the Pan-Genome Map of Tomato
Exploring the Abundance and Distribution of Repeat Sequences in Insect Genomes
First Aging Fly Cell Atlas Reveals Aging Mechanisms in Drosophila Life Cycle
Fostering Tumor Heterogeneity: The Impact of Cyclic Extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA)
Full-length 16S Amplicon Sequencing Provides A New Idea for Microecological Research
Full-length Transcriptomics Helps to Reveal The Mechanism of Cancer
Fungal Genome
De Novo
Sequencing Promotes The Discovery And Research of Plant Pathogenic Fungi
Gene Families Linked to Fertility Restoration in Cereals
Genome Size and Eukaryotic Algal Adaptation
Genomic Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 Accelerates The Identification of Viral Variants And Evolutionary Analysis
Genomic Sequencing Opens A New Era of T2D Research
Genomics and Transcriptomics Reveal Luciferase Clusters in Fungi
GWAS Identifies FOXP4 Locus as a Key Player in Long COVID
Haplotype-resolved Genome Sequencing Helps Species Domestication And Improvement Research
HiFi Long-read Sequencing Generates Comprehensive WGS Data to Detect All Types of de novo Mutations
How Can Sequencing Tap into Microbial Associations with Diseases?
How Intronic Variation Regulates Fruit Color Revealed through Pan-Genomic Mapping
Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Expression and Immune Modulation in Pan-Cancer Immunogenicity
Hybrid Metagenomic Assembly for NGS And Long-read Sequencing Finds Keys to Microbiomes Research
Identification of Disease-Related Cell States by Single-Cell Sequencing
Immune Repertoire Sequencing Accelerates Vaccine Development
Integrating ATAC-seq and RNA-seq for Plant Gene Regulatory Network Analysis
Integrating m6A Methylation and Single-Cell Analyses for Unraveling Cellular Heterogeneity
Integrative Hi-C, ATAC-seq And ChIP-seq Analysis Provide Insights Into Gene Regulation Mechanisms
LncRNA Used To Reveal Cancer Mechanisms And Provide Treatment Strategies
Long-Read Sequencing Addressing the Haplotype Challenge in Lung Cancer Genomes
Mapping Cis-Regulatory Elements in the Pig Genome
Mapping Early Cancer Mutations with Single-Molecule cfDNA Sequencing
Mapping of Oncogenic Structural Variants in Gastric Cancer Uncovers 27 Potential Driver Sites
Metagenome Sequencing and Hi-C Technology Illuminates Soil Phage–Host Interactions
Metagenome Sequencing Reveal Changes in Intestinal Flora in COVID-19 Infections
Metagenomic Next-generation Sequencing Promotes The Detection of Respiratory Pathogens
Metagenomics Helps Reveal Microbial Pathogenic Mechanisms
Metagenomics, Lipidomics, and Transcriptomics Insights into Gut Microbial Carbohydrate Metabolism and its Role in Insulin Resistance
Mitochondrial Genome Sequencing for Investigating Genetic Diseases
Mitochondrial RNA Modifications: A Crucial Player in Metabolic Plasticity During Cancer Cell Metastasis
Multi-omics Analysis Reveals The Pathogenesis of Cancer
Nanopore Direct RNA-Seq Unraveling tRNA Abundance and Modifications
Nanopore Sequencing for Rapid Tumor Type Identification During Surgery
New Pan-Cancer T-Cell Atlas Reveals New Ways for Tumor-Infiltrating T Cells To 'Go on Strike'
PacBio Iso-Seq Enabling In-Depth Exploration of Alternative Splicing
PacBio Sequencing and Droplet-Based MDA Amplification: Pioneering Human Single-Cell Genomics
Pan-genomes and Plant Secondary Metabolism
Potato Pan-Genomics: Evolution and Hybrid Breeding Breakthroughs
Resistant Metagenomics Reveals Shared ARGs in Humans and Animals
Ribosome Sequencing for Exploring Transcriptome And Translatome in Human Heart Disease Research
Sequencing And Assembly Reveals The Diversity of Sex Chromosome Evolutionary Patterns
Single-Cell Data Unveiling the Complexity of Immune Responses to SARS-CoV-2
Single-cell RNA Sequencing Enables Tumor Research
Single-cell Sequencing Combined with CAR-T to Explore Tumor Therapies
Small RNA As a Therapeutic Target for Inflammatory Diseases
Strand-Specific RNA-Seq Used to Study Gene Function and Pathogenic Mechanisms
Successful Decoding of the Y Chromosome: A Milestone in Human Genome Unraveling
Take The Advantages of Whole Genome Sequencing in
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
The Application of Nanopore Sequencing in Tuberculosis Research
The Application of RNA Immunoprecipitation Sequencing (RIP-seq) in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) And Ovarian Cancer Research
The Application Of Transcriptome In Revealing Disease Mechanism
The Complete Rice Nipponbare Reference Genome
The Complete T2T Genome by Sequencing Opens The Door to Post-genomic Era
The Human Gut Virome Unveils a Multitude of dsDNA Phage Genomes
The Origin and Evolution of Endogenous Retroviruses
The Pan-Genome of
Arabidopsis thaliana
The Study of Circular RNA for Revealing the Mechanism of Disease Regulation
Transcriptomic Sequencing Advances Microbiomics Research
Transcriptomic Signatures Across 40 Common Human Brain Diseases
Transposon Dynamics in Drosophila simulans Populations
Tumor Neo-Antigen Discovery with PacBio Iso-Seq: Unveiling Promising Targets for Individualized Immunotherapies
Ultra-deep Metagenomic Sequencing Unveiling the Vanishing Microbiome of Hadza
Uncovering Drug Resistance in Cancer: Insights from ctDNA Sequencing
Unlocking Alzheimer's: How LncRNA MEG3 Sheds Light on Human Neuronal Vulnerability
Unraveling Complex Structural Variations and DNA Repair Mechanisms by Whole Genome Sequencing
Unveiling 5mC Methylation with PacBio Sequencing and Machine Learning
WGBS Reveals the Dynamic DNA Methylation Turnover in Plant
Whole Virus Genome Sequencing in Screening New Drugs
Pan-Cancer Analysis Uncovers Structural Variants as Vital Contributors to Tumor Neoantigens
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