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With the breathtaking development of high-technology, an increasing number of biotechnological products or services have been born.And those products and services are being widely utilized in both science and medicine.Even some of them are applied in agriculture and farming business.Now, let’s have a look on Immune Repertoire Sequencing, a promising biotechnological service to amplify and sequence the immune repertoire with Next Generation Sequencing(NGS).

First, what is immune?

Immunity is a physiological function of human body. In order to maintain the health of human being, human body relies on this function to distinguish “own composition” and “exotic composition”, then to undermine and reject antigen which attempt to enter into human body, or injured cells, tumor cells and etc.produced by the human body itself. Immune involves specific composition and non-specific components.Non-specific components can immediately response and effectively prevent the invasion of various kinds of pathogens without prior exposure.While specific immune, developed in the main body of life period, is dedicated to a pathogen immune.For this reason, immunity is extremely significant to human heath, and so is the immune system.

The immune system—both innate and adaptive—is essential to prevent or limit infection but is equally important in the overall process of repair and recovery from any type of injury.Immune cells including T cell receptors (TCRs) or B cell receptors (BCRs) are similarly organized. Each receptor is composed of two distinct subunit chains(TCR: α chain and β chain, BCR: light chain and heavy chain). And the two kinds of immune cells are indispensable for immune repertoire sequencing.

Classically, “repertoire” or “immune repertoire”, means a set of distinct recombined nucleotide sequences that encode T cell receptors (TCRs) or B cell receptors (BCRs), or fragments thereof, respectively, in a population of lymphocytes of an individual, wherein the nucleotide sequences of the set have a one-to-one correspondence with distinct lymphocytes or their clonal subpopulations for substantially all of the lymphocytes of the population. At present, our expert technicians who devote to immune repertoire sequencing will sequence your samples at our secure, state-of-the-art laboratory. They’ll use our proprietary multiplex PCR(polymerase chain reaction) with highly optimized primer sets and deep sequencing techniques that exclusively target T-cell and B-cell receptor genes. And with the Immune Repertoire Sequencing Service an accurate evaluation for human fitness is available.

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