
DNA methylation is a common mechanism of epigenetic regulation in eukaryotes. MethylRAD uses one of the Mrr-like enzymes (e.g. FspEI, MspJI, LpnPI, AspBHI, etc.) to perform reduced methylome sequencing for cost-efficient DNA methylation profiling. Similar to affinity-based methods, these enzymes can directly assess the DNA methylation status without the aid of chemical conversion, but with much higher specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility. MethylRAD allows for de novo (reference-free) methylation analysis, extremely low DNA input and adjustment of tag density. MethylRAD ideally suited for large-scale methylation profiling projects.

Schematic overview of the procedure for MethylRAD library preparationFigure 1. Schematic overview of the procedure for MethylRAD library preparation (Wang, 2015)

Specific MethylRAD-SeqApproaches We Offer


Our MethylRAD-Seq are available for a wide range of sequencing applications:

Our bioinformatics analysis services include, but are not limited to:

Service Advantages

Our Capabilities

Sample Requirements

DNA samples

The quantity of DNA sample should be 1 – 200 ng, DNA purity: OD260/280: 1.8~2.0.

Service Process

Service Process


Our Features

  • CD Genomics will complete your project on time and efficiently. We have professional after-sales service.
  • CD Genomics works with scientists from many biotechnology companies. We have extensive knowledge and experience to provide quality assurance services.

Why Choose Us?

CD Genomics is a company that provides professional and comprehensive MethylRAD -seq services. We can conduct directly assess the Whole Genome wide DNA methylation status with low input and provide you satisfactory specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility. If you would like to know more about this service, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Wang, Shi, et al. MethylRAD: a simple and scalable method for genome-wide DNA methylation profiling using methylation-dependent restriction enzymes. Open biology 5.11 (2015): 150130.
! For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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