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PN226 50 reactions


Product Infomation
Product Description: The CD JAK2 V617F RT-PCR Kit is based on mutation-specific PCR, using primers LAI that is 100% complementary to the mutants of the gene to amplify those templates that contain fully complementary template DNA. JAK2 belongs to the class of serine-threonine kinases that play central roles in various cellular processes including growth, proliferation, survival, and angiogenesis. The JAK2 V617F mutation is found in various cancers, and tumors harboring the JAK2 V617F mutation are less sensitive to JAK2 inhibitors. Meanwhile, tumors with the JAK2 V617F mutation were often found to be negative for EGFR, KRAS, and ALK driver mutations.
Features: Detects low copy JAK2 V617F mutation in genomic DNA.
Low input requirement.
Easy setup & interpretation.
Compatible with most leading real-time PCR instruments.
Sequencing Platform: Real-time PCR
Storage: Store in < -20℃ freezer. Repeated thawing and freezing should be avoided.
Method: Real-time qualitative PCR
Equipment Required: Real-time PCR instrument (FAM and VIC)
Required Reagents: DNA extraction kit, pipettors and filter tips
ShippingCondition: Dry ice
* For research purposes only, not intended for clinical diagnosis, treatment, or individual health assessments.
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