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Genotyping Services-1

Genotyping, also known as Genotypic assay, is widely used in population genetics and forensic medicine. This is a technology which use biological methods to detect Individual genotype. The methods contain PCR, DNA fragmentation assay, ASO probes, gene sequencing and so on. In the early stage researchers use Southernblots method to do genotyping, but it is tedious and takes a quite long time. Later with the appearance of quantitative PCR method and the development of new technology, genotyping has become an essential part of all kinds of research. And it has greatly changed research on genomics and transcriptomics.
At the same time, genetic companies which provide ingenuity service emerge in large numbers to meet the needs of all kind of research. CD Genomics, as a competitive biotechnology company, also stepped into this field. I know you may ask, why should I choose this company but others? What can I get from here?

Let me show you some objective opinions and judgment on our genotyping service. And I do this just to share some source for you to take our service into consideration.

Firstly, we concentrate on providing genetic service. We spend our whole time and money in genomic sequencing, genotyping, and microarray service to make sure that we can provide the best service for our customers.“You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, and the support.” Sabrina Bryan said. Our focus decides we can do this job with full energy and passion.
Secondly, our professional team for data analysis is the guarantee of our service. It’s well-known that a little mistake may lead to a total different result of your experiment. We persist in providing best service for our customers by repeating examination of every step. Our team never simply receive your requirement and hand it to machines. We will make sure that every step is well-done and give you the best results.
Finally, our genotyping service is comprehensive, including:

  • Linkage and linkage disequilibrium mapping
  • Association studies
  • CNV analysis
  • Population genetic studies for structural analysis, breeding or conservation purposes

In a word, our ultimate purpose is to meet the needs of our customers, which are reseachers form the whole world, and make them satisfied with our service. We have patience, strength, and energy. That is the source of our dependable service.

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